Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What Will It Be?

Your life can completely turn around within a few minutes. The way we live our lives is usually determined by our circumstances. Always remember our circumstances can change in a heartbeat. Never get too comfortable... but remember, God says, "Therefore I tell you, Do not worry about your life, what you eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?" - Matthew 6:25. He says that he will take care care of us. In normal circumstances, children do not have to worry about if they will get food or clothes. They automatically assume their parents will provide for them. How much more will God provide for us, since we are God's children?!? God wants us to focus on him, no matter the circumstances. [See Matthew 14:22-36] Our circumstances and emotions should not determine who we are, or how we live our lives. Only God should determine this. God is our rock. He is unshakable. He will never change. [See Psalm 18:2]

-So why don't we just trust Him? He wants us to. He wants to have a relationship with us... and He wants that so badly that He sent HIS son to DIE for us, so that we might become righteous. [See Romans 3:21-26] If we accept Christ's sacrifice, if we believe that He is the Son of God then we ARE the Children of God. [See John 3:1-21] As Children of God, God wants us to have a relationship with us. He wants us to come to Him as children would come to Him.

-- Do we trust Him or do we live like children of the world, trusting only in ourselves?