Saturday, June 16, 2012

VBS, Ultimate Youth Camp, and our AMAZING God.

The past couple weeks have been insane. This year Vacation Bible School and Church camp followed each other - and this year I volunteered to be a counselor. I taught my 3rd through 6th grade class during VBS. Each of these events have great stories, that I'd like to share with you.

Let's start with VBS because it came first. Our theme this year was Amazing Wonders Aviation. Not only was I to teach a class, but I was in charge of decorations. If you know me at all, you'll know that I like to decorate everything. I had a vision in my head, and I attempted to make it out. In the end I ran out of time, energy and people to make it happen, but the decorations weren't all that bad - they we're simple and easy to take down at the end - so it worked out anyway. The week before VBS Jonalee and I spent preparing decorations. Making planes out of cardboard and such - right after each of our days at work. Then VBS came. The Saturday night before the first day, our secretary Janet called me and said she was in the hospital with high blood pressure and the doctor's were worried. So we all took a big breath and went forward without her. Janet is usually the one that makes sure everything comes together just right. Let me tell you - with her gone people were everywhere. It was an act of God that we accomplished what we did. The slack that Janet left was given to me. I guess people assumed that I knew what Janet would do. Not really sure.

Each night of VBS had a different Bible story to go with it. We learned that God had power over nature, sin, death, and our circumstances. I had the same work schedule almost every day of vbs minus Sunday. 12 to 5 - dinner was at 5, VBS started at 6. I had a class of about 8 every night. The kids were amazing - a little out of hand at times but it didn't take much to get them back. On Tuesday I was told I had to get pizza for Wednesday nights dinner. I had no money [paycheck came Saturday and I spent what I did have on decorations and things for my kids.] Long story short, I asked for help. First to God then to the church people for money to help out with it. While some complained that we shouldn't be doing vbs if we don't have the money to do so, others gave. I had enough to pay for the Pizza. God provided.

 On the ABC night little Timothy accepted Christ into his heart. I could tell that he understood what I was talking about. It was amazing to see the amazement in his eyes when he said he could really feel God. With everything that had gone on that week, this made everything worth it.

We had silly times and serious times - and times that I thought I couldn't stand the church people that I was working with because they would simply tell me a problem and expect me to deal with it in the way they saw fit. But all in all God IS in control and is so holy.

So Saturday came and I had to close at kmart. I went home after a bout of complaining customers and packed up for Church camp. Sunday after church, Chris, Anna, Emily, Caleb, Josh and I headed out for Highland Lakes Baptist Camp - about 45 minutes away from us. As you can probably imagine, I was already completely exhausted from the week before. I know people wondered how I was doing it, and my honest answer is I don't know.

Anna's mom came to me before camp - she mentioned that Anna was afraid - and told me me she was worried about her.  Anna was a very shelled in girl. She kept to herself. Anna and Emily hung close to each other the whole week. Emily was very shy.

When we arrived at camp no one was there - I didn't know it was a Northside Baptist Church camp - I honestly thought it was going to be churches from all over the place. Chris and I were the only leaders that were not members of Northside Baptist church. About an hour and a half after we got there the Northside kids showed up. I quickly found Tom Hall - their youth minister and was quickly told what the kids needed to do.  We were assigned a cabin and we started to move in. I was put in with another leader - Kathy. At first I really didn't know what to think. I had a cabin of 8 girls - which only 2 of them were mine - and was put with a leader who was old enough to be my mom. The kids were a little crazy - but maybe my girls. It took them awhile to reach out to others.

I remember right before worship I wondered what I was doing there - what I had signed up for. When I went into worship I remember there being a still small voice - that simply said - True worship is when you give everything you have to Me and trust Me.... and I stood there in awe and worshiped.

Dennis Pethers preached to us. To all of our surprise he was from England - He honestly sounded a bit like the gecko from the Geico commercials. It was kind of cool to be honest. Throughout the week he preached twice a day to us. I would listen to him and look over my girls to make sure they were okay. After the sermon we would have a cabin discussion with all of the girls. After awhile, honestly all the girls in the cabin became mine.

To my surprise church camp turned into a mission trip for me. I thought it was going to be like going to church camp - even though I was a leader this time. That wasn't the case. When the girls would be doing cabin clean up all the leaders would have a team meeting - and it was honestly a missions meeting.

Before worship all of the leaders would get together and pray. I would pray for my girls. For them to hear God - for them to understand that this isn't just something we made up - that it was really real. It's with my girls - and with my kids at home that I find myself praying without selfish motives - I simply want them to see God. I want everyone to see God, even if I'm not a part of it.

I'd usually sit next to Anna. The second night we talked about how we fight inside ourselves - in Paul's I don't do want I want to do but what I want to do I do not do.... passage. During decision time, I looked over my girls. Anna was in tears. I put my hand on her back and she continued to cry - I asked her... do you want to go pray? She nodded her head, and so we went to the foot of the Cross. What she told me I'm not going to share on here, but I will say we prayed together, and God had touched her for the first time in awhile. After that night she began to change. She started to dress more colorful - her eyes changed. She started to smile more.

Another night we had a sermon based on how we need to be Christ like, giving up our own ambitions for God's own. I wanted to talk to Dennis this time. I was in turmoil about leaving for Seminary. I wanted to stay here. While I was waiting to talk to him I saw Anna and Kathy walking to the chapel... and Anna was again in tears.... I ran to them... and then walked up slowly behind them as they approached Tom and Kathy told Tom that Anna had accepted Christ/rededicated and wanted to be baptized. The change in Anna was so amazing.

This is the very heartbeat of God.

I was in tears and was so excited for Anna. I'm still excited for her.

So I went back to Dennis - he was waiting on me. I think he saw what was happening. There's not very many people who can read me correctly. Dennis is one of those people. I told him a bit of my story and told him about Southern and wanting to stay home... mostly because of leaving my people behind. I'll never forget what he said. He said, "If you didn't have a ministry where you are now, what kind of ministry would you have anywhere else? Anything that is worth something, you usually have to give up something for." We prayed for peace, and that prayer was answered. I talked to him about Anna, he smiled and nodded his head as I described how amazing it was to sit and watch God change her from the inside out.

Some of the other girls in my cabin also would come to me if they needed various things. I'd hang out with them and teach them songs. [Like the Box song and the Birdie song... if you want to know, ask.] I taught a few girls and one of the guys how to fish during free time. It was fun to see their reaction when they caught a fish for the first time.

I kept thinking how the disciples were fisherman... and how Jesus said he would make them Fishers of Men.

I honestly didn't do a whole lot this week, other than being there. I stood in amazement as God worked in lives around me, and then in my own as well <3

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:
Who, being in very nature[a] God,
    did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
rather, he made himself nothing
    by taking the very nature[b] of a servant,
    being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
    he humbled himself
    by becoming obedient to death —
        even death on a cross!
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
    and gave him the name that is above every name,
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
    to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:1-11