Tuesday, March 18, 2014

All the single ladies!

It's been almost two years since my last post!!! My heavens, I need to do a better job at keeping this up.

How ironic it is that the last post was about dating.... and what a long road I've been on since then. Ladies, i stand by what I said in my last post... but I do want to add a bit.... Just because a man goes to Bible college/Seminary... or because he seems to fit everything on your list, does not mean he's the one. This is where you have to trust God. God needs to be our number one, above everything.

In the past year or so, I've just really noticed how saturated our culture is with this "love-is-everything" attitude. Ever notice how, since little girls, we're told that, "One day our prince will come..." and our head is filled with all sorts of fairytales - Beginning with Cinderella and Snow White... and all the classic princesses - how they were all sort of... waiting for "true love's kiss", fell in love in an instant, and the Prince saved them from all their troubles. It's always sort of a "Love at first sight" sort of thing. Even if it isn't instant, like in Enchanted or Tangled... it doesn't take long before their in love and married off... living that "Happily ever after". Even the chick-flicks we like to watch are guilty of this... it puts the female in a position of longing to have love, or somehow needing someone (her true love) to save her from this or that - everywhere from a life of overworking to her then fiance.... and most of us (girls) like the storyline. I'm not going to say no to a good mushy chick-flick. ;)

However, ladies... God did not create us to be these creatures that only live for our man. Our "prince" in that sense has already come... That being Christ himself. As far as our one day spouse... we shouldn't expect him to be perfect... or solve all of our problems.. or any of the things that the media portrays them doing really...

Ladies, we need to guard our hearts... We need to guard our hearts against being these creatures who totally rely on a man. God created us to be gentle, graceful, and feminine... and we should be. However, we should put our all or trust in God... not man. Our culture seems to put all of that either on a man... or, have females be so independent that they wind up "not needing anyone".

We were created to be in community... There's a reason Adam was created first. There's also a reason Eve wasn't left alone in the garden. There's a reason they were told to be fruitful and multiply. We're meant to be in community... but we were made to place our trust in God and foremost. Let us guard our hearts against this culture.... Remember ladies, every guy who comes along with good looks, theology, and heart, isn't going to be your future husband... But husband or not, God should always come first in your heart. Ladies, you can live without a husband... but you can't live without God (saved or not!).

Let your trust always be in the Lord. <3 p="">
Sorry this is a little bit of a rant and lack of verses... but hopefully I'll get back on doing this... <3 all.="" br="" love="" y="">