Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bring the Rain

"And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." ~ Romans 5:2b-4

How many of us have, at one point or another, struggled with something? Maybe you've had a rough family life, or maybe you've had a fight with a friend, or there's health issues going on, or someone is in jail, and you're parents aren't perfect, or maybe, you told a little fib, or you struggle in your faith.. or maybe, you're like me and you struggle with everything. Remember, everybody struggles. You're not the only one. Even Jesus struggled.. and He is the Son of God. He allowed Himself to suffer so that Glory would be given to God. He also did this out of obedience. Jesus said "If you love me, you will obey what I command" [John 14:15] Jesus obeyed the Father, by coming down to Earth, and giving His life for us. Imagine what it would be like, to know what it's like to be in Heaven, and then, come down to Earth, for 33 years, and then die on a tree. We focus so much on what Jesus did for us - He died on the cross. However, the 33 years he spent here, we're so precious. Satan tempted Him.. Jesus resisted, but he still struggled, however, unlike us, He obeyed the father at all times, even when it came to death. Jesus struggled a lot when it came time for Him to die. He asked the Father to take his cup away from him, if it was HIS will. We always tend to think that Jesus didn't suffer as much as we do.. He took on everything. Since, we as Christians do not belong to the World, and we are evil, in the flesh alone, We're going to struggle. Jesus said, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Think of it this way: We are like purified gold. Beautiful, in the beholders eyes, but to make it without flaw, it must go through the flames. What if, our troubles, and hardships were put there to help you grow and glorify God? Jesus died on the cross, and took on our battles for us. Let Him guide you. Ask Him to help you. Compared to what Jesus, the SON OF GOD, did for you, what's a little rain?

Sunday, July 26, 2009


"God wasn't attracted to you and didn't choose you because you were big and important—the fact is, there was almost nothing to you. He did it out of sheer love... Know this: God, your God, is God indeed, a God you can depend upon." ~ Deuteronomy 7:7-10

The fact is: God loves you very much. He set each and every one of you apart, through sanctification. Don't say, oh, He doesn't love me, because he loves everyone. Yeah, yeah, I know if you're reading this page, you've probably heard that a zillion times, but it's true. If he didn't love you, why did He send His son? Why did He create such a beautiful Earth for us to dwell on? He created each and every blade of grass.. each dragonfly. Did you know that dragonflies can fly backwards? Did you know that God provides for them to keep living? He can do the same for us, helping us in every way, if only we let Him. We all struggle. Don't let that discourage you. Instead, be encouraged. All you have to do is give God permission. "Jesus does not ask me to die for Him, but to lay down my life for Him." [Oswald Chambers] Meaning, to give your all in all for Him.. Will you do that?