Friday, June 11, 2010

Giving Our All in All

About a year ago, I asked God to help me save up for a mission trip to Brazil. I was Jr. in high school.... and I was yearning to go back, for a second time. Since then, my dad promised to buy 1/2 of my way to Brazil. So I started saving up my hard earned $50 or so every other week. I graduated high school, and now here I am. A new high school graduate... with a little over half her money to go to Brazil in upcoming September. Now... let's stop and think before I go too much further. A trip to Brazil.. is quite a bit. An 18 yr old, with out a job.. having a little more than half? That's quite an ordeal already. Yesterday, I got to thinking that I have extra at the moment... so.. why not waver a little bit... and buy an ipod? I've wanted a nano for over 6 years... and I still want one.. with the video recorder, and all those other fancy gismos and gadgets. So.. why not right? I'll grab the money, buy the ipod, and the rest will go for Brazil. At this point, there was nooo problem.

Today, I started talking about getting my ipod. I think I even talked about it when I was cleaning my car today... actually, I'm pretty sure I did. I've really wanted this ipod for a loonnng time... and I'm finally going to get it.

But then the thought came to me... I told God that if he gave me the money, I'd put every penny of it towards Brazil, and tithe.... but this was some of the graduation money... does it count? I had no idea. After talking it over with a few close friends, I decided, as childish as it seemed, to ask God if I could get an ipod.

Before I could, when I was driving home from my friends house, I had a convo with my dad about the Brazil money... of course, like always, dad started waving in his promise... Will my dad really pay half? I don't know. Will he help me pay for college? I don't know. I hope.... So, hey dad, can I get an ipod. Sure, give me the money. [I knew this would be his answer, but what worried me was the college and the Brazil money part.]

So by the time I got home, I was extremely worried about all of this, and I still wanted my ipod. After 13 years of school, and working extremely hard to get this far... I deserve an ipod, right?

Now, think right now, what would you do in my situation? Buy the ipod?

Well... I got to thinking... what is more important... A mission trip, or an ipod?... Neither. The only thing that is important is seeking God. In all honesty, an ipod doesn't matter, to say the least. We, as Christians, need to be seeking God with all our hearts, not just part of them... and if that means giving up getting an ipod.. so what? I may get that ipod one day.. but it REALLY DOESN'T MATTER. It doesn't matter if I have this or that.... as long as I have God.. and I always will, because He said that He will never leave me or forsake me [Hebrews 13:5], I'm good.

We're supposed to give God our ALL in ALL... not just part of it. You don't hear people singing, "1/10 to Jesus I surrender"... they sing, "ALL to Jesus I surrender"... Do we really mean that? Will we really give all we have?

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity." - Jeremiah 29:11-14

Note: I did wind up getting the ipod, however, I really do have half of my Brazil money. God is good.

1 comment:

  1. Nice...stay connected to your Heavenly Father. He's the one who will never let you down! Love you Em!
