Saturday, December 22, 2012

Dating, Love...and theology? Ladies: Where our place is...

I know I haven't posted in awhile, and I know a lot of you might want to know how I'm doing - but I've made the decision that I'll start a blog just for that - and I'll keep this one more as a blog to share devotional like thoughts.

I don't know how many people are going to read this, but I'd like to share a few thoughts on dating. This is more for females, but guys, take these things into mind, please.

Boyce College Culture: Part of it, is defiantly that you'll find your soul mate some where on campus - so that makes meeting new people a little bit more scary.... or even talking to the friends you have, because you never know who they might turn out to be. There's a lot of pressure to find your mate and married - even off campus in the world, apart from Bible College. We're pressured to find that one that will complete us and make us whole..... and a lot of times we long for that person, especially around the holidays.

Here's the deal ladies. We shouldn't settle for less than we've bargained for - and we have to keep our heads held high. We shouldn't let anyone - even a man - tell us that we are less than what we are - even if that might mean losing "love".

The love that we're longing for - that we crave - isn't a love that is going to tell us that we are less.

I'm saying all of this - because my dating experience in general... has been interesting to say the least. I'm not going to go into all the details, but I'd like to remind y'all of some things - especially if everyone is having the same experience that I am.

We, as people, we're made in the image of God - Genesis 1:26-27
 - As women, we're not lower or less worthy than a man. We're not a possession. We are are people just as much as any man. As ladies, we have different roles to play than guys. Ladies, we were made as helpers - to men - Genesis 2:18-25 (I know they don't listen much, but you know what they say - behind every great man is a great woman! ~ Just kidding!)

When a man becomes our husband, we become of one flesh - we're one person.

Now here's the big one. We are supposed to submit to our husbands.... but the definition of the word submit can be argued here. Ladies, we are to respect our husbands, very, very, very highly. Our husbands are to love us like Christ loves the Church. Christ died for the Church - for the body of believers.... and, there is no greater love. Our marriages are to be a model of this. Just as Christ is the head of the Church, so should the Husband be the head of the family. If our opinions clash with our husbands, and they will - we need to be humble enough to compromise.... and husbands, with that ultimate love, need to base every opinion on Scripture, and live godly lives. This does NOT mean the husband is always right. The husband needs to respect and love his wife enough, to talk to her and communicate with her. To respect and love her with everything he has and is.

This does NOT mean that we, as ladies, cannot work. This does not bind us to the home - to forever cook and clean, and have children- never to leave the home. However, we should be able to manage the house - but the husband - with his unconditional love - can always help out around the house.

Old Testament Culture Blurb: In those days and that area, women were looked at as something the man owned. Women were about on the same level as dogs and gentiles (non-jews). However, throughout the Old Testament, God set rules in place to protect and honor the females - to prevent the men from taking advantage of the females - like the law about the lady being unclean during her period - she could not partake in relations with her husband - she had to sit and rest until she was clean again. Do you see how this worked to the females' advantage? When she was not feeling well during that time of month, she had to go rest, because she was unclean. Things like that are scattered throughout the Old Testament.

God, our Daddy in heaven, treasures us. He treasures us not only then, but now as well. If He treasures us, how much more should we treasure ourselves? Not to the point of being prideful - but to the point of not degrading ourselves. How much more should the men we date treasure us, if any future husband of ours is supposed to love us like Christ loves the Church?

Not only that, but we are supposed to stay as far away as we possibly can from sexual immorality. [Romans!] The question shouldn't be - "What can I get away with?".... the question should be - "How far can I get from it?".... and this is where I will go to promote that love waits. Real love. Christ-like love, waits. Should it be that radical - that above and beyond - to wait until your wedding day for your first kiss? No - it shouldn't be.

Maybe the best thing to do, is to promise yourself and to God that you will not degrade yourself, and promise that you will not give away what's not yours to give. Honestly, remember all those kisses - those belong to your future husband - they don't belong to any other guy.

The best thing? Wait until God starts to unfold your love story... after all, He is writing it.... and of course God is the best love story novelist of all time - Just think - He unfolded the plan of sending His Son to die to save us. What a love story!

Until then... be content with what God has given you, and run and embrace God's love - staying in the scriptures, and living holy lives, that are pleasing to God. Strive to be the Proverbs 31 woman.

I remember my mom telling me that before she met dad, she wrote a list down of all the things her husband would be.... and dad met every one of those things. Maybe we should make lists of our own? (Not outward appearances, obviously.) We should keep these things in mind. One of my biggest ones - is that I want my husband to have a strong good theological foundation..... I want to be like minded - having the same calling. After all, if we are one person, then these things will be the same. Husband and wife should be evenly yoked - not just both of them being Christians - but they should agree on major theological issues as well.... so they can be like minded, of one accord.... unified and strong.

My list, is this. My man will be...
1. Southern Baptist - GREAT theology
2. Called to International Missions

~ and honestly, you wouldn't think those two things would be that hard to find! Maybe they aren't.... maybe it's just not time for me to meet my man yet.... but all in God's time. Not my own.

When I go back to school this next semester - I'm not going to be searching for a man - like it seems like every girl is.... I'm going to lay back and study my head off - that I might get through Bible College..... and if the right man comes along, fantastic! However... I think I'm done trying to search for him on my own.

Remember ladies - God treasures and loves you very much. Don't degrade yourselves or settle for someone who will.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

VBS, Ultimate Youth Camp, and our AMAZING God.

The past couple weeks have been insane. This year Vacation Bible School and Church camp followed each other - and this year I volunteered to be a counselor. I taught my 3rd through 6th grade class during VBS. Each of these events have great stories, that I'd like to share with you.

Let's start with VBS because it came first. Our theme this year was Amazing Wonders Aviation. Not only was I to teach a class, but I was in charge of decorations. If you know me at all, you'll know that I like to decorate everything. I had a vision in my head, and I attempted to make it out. In the end I ran out of time, energy and people to make it happen, but the decorations weren't all that bad - they we're simple and easy to take down at the end - so it worked out anyway. The week before VBS Jonalee and I spent preparing decorations. Making planes out of cardboard and such - right after each of our days at work. Then VBS came. The Saturday night before the first day, our secretary Janet called me and said she was in the hospital with high blood pressure and the doctor's were worried. So we all took a big breath and went forward without her. Janet is usually the one that makes sure everything comes together just right. Let me tell you - with her gone people were everywhere. It was an act of God that we accomplished what we did. The slack that Janet left was given to me. I guess people assumed that I knew what Janet would do. Not really sure.

Each night of VBS had a different Bible story to go with it. We learned that God had power over nature, sin, death, and our circumstances. I had the same work schedule almost every day of vbs minus Sunday. 12 to 5 - dinner was at 5, VBS started at 6. I had a class of about 8 every night. The kids were amazing - a little out of hand at times but it didn't take much to get them back. On Tuesday I was told I had to get pizza for Wednesday nights dinner. I had no money [paycheck came Saturday and I spent what I did have on decorations and things for my kids.] Long story short, I asked for help. First to God then to the church people for money to help out with it. While some complained that we shouldn't be doing vbs if we don't have the money to do so, others gave. I had enough to pay for the Pizza. God provided.

 On the ABC night little Timothy accepted Christ into his heart. I could tell that he understood what I was talking about. It was amazing to see the amazement in his eyes when he said he could really feel God. With everything that had gone on that week, this made everything worth it.

We had silly times and serious times - and times that I thought I couldn't stand the church people that I was working with because they would simply tell me a problem and expect me to deal with it in the way they saw fit. But all in all God IS in control and is so holy.

So Saturday came and I had to close at kmart. I went home after a bout of complaining customers and packed up for Church camp. Sunday after church, Chris, Anna, Emily, Caleb, Josh and I headed out for Highland Lakes Baptist Camp - about 45 minutes away from us. As you can probably imagine, I was already completely exhausted from the week before. I know people wondered how I was doing it, and my honest answer is I don't know.

Anna's mom came to me before camp - she mentioned that Anna was afraid - and told me me she was worried about her.  Anna was a very shelled in girl. She kept to herself. Anna and Emily hung close to each other the whole week. Emily was very shy.

When we arrived at camp no one was there - I didn't know it was a Northside Baptist Church camp - I honestly thought it was going to be churches from all over the place. Chris and I were the only leaders that were not members of Northside Baptist church. About an hour and a half after we got there the Northside kids showed up. I quickly found Tom Hall - their youth minister and was quickly told what the kids needed to do.  We were assigned a cabin and we started to move in. I was put in with another leader - Kathy. At first I really didn't know what to think. I had a cabin of 8 girls - which only 2 of them were mine - and was put with a leader who was old enough to be my mom. The kids were a little crazy - but maybe my girls. It took them awhile to reach out to others.

I remember right before worship I wondered what I was doing there - what I had signed up for. When I went into worship I remember there being a still small voice - that simply said - True worship is when you give everything you have to Me and trust Me.... and I stood there in awe and worshiped.

Dennis Pethers preached to us. To all of our surprise he was from England - He honestly sounded a bit like the gecko from the Geico commercials. It was kind of cool to be honest. Throughout the week he preached twice a day to us. I would listen to him and look over my girls to make sure they were okay. After the sermon we would have a cabin discussion with all of the girls. After awhile, honestly all the girls in the cabin became mine.

To my surprise church camp turned into a mission trip for me. I thought it was going to be like going to church camp - even though I was a leader this time. That wasn't the case. When the girls would be doing cabin clean up all the leaders would have a team meeting - and it was honestly a missions meeting.

Before worship all of the leaders would get together and pray. I would pray for my girls. For them to hear God - for them to understand that this isn't just something we made up - that it was really real. It's with my girls - and with my kids at home that I find myself praying without selfish motives - I simply want them to see God. I want everyone to see God, even if I'm not a part of it.

I'd usually sit next to Anna. The second night we talked about how we fight inside ourselves - in Paul's I don't do want I want to do but what I want to do I do not do.... passage. During decision time, I looked over my girls. Anna was in tears. I put my hand on her back and she continued to cry - I asked her... do you want to go pray? She nodded her head, and so we went to the foot of the Cross. What she told me I'm not going to share on here, but I will say we prayed together, and God had touched her for the first time in awhile. After that night she began to change. She started to dress more colorful - her eyes changed. She started to smile more.

Another night we had a sermon based on how we need to be Christ like, giving up our own ambitions for God's own. I wanted to talk to Dennis this time. I was in turmoil about leaving for Seminary. I wanted to stay here. While I was waiting to talk to him I saw Anna and Kathy walking to the chapel... and Anna was again in tears.... I ran to them... and then walked up slowly behind them as they approached Tom and Kathy told Tom that Anna had accepted Christ/rededicated and wanted to be baptized. The change in Anna was so amazing.

This is the very heartbeat of God.

I was in tears and was so excited for Anna. I'm still excited for her.

So I went back to Dennis - he was waiting on me. I think he saw what was happening. There's not very many people who can read me correctly. Dennis is one of those people. I told him a bit of my story and told him about Southern and wanting to stay home... mostly because of leaving my people behind. I'll never forget what he said. He said, "If you didn't have a ministry where you are now, what kind of ministry would you have anywhere else? Anything that is worth something, you usually have to give up something for." We prayed for peace, and that prayer was answered. I talked to him about Anna, he smiled and nodded his head as I described how amazing it was to sit and watch God change her from the inside out.

Some of the other girls in my cabin also would come to me if they needed various things. I'd hang out with them and teach them songs. [Like the Box song and the Birdie song... if you want to know, ask.] I taught a few girls and one of the guys how to fish during free time. It was fun to see their reaction when they caught a fish for the first time.

I kept thinking how the disciples were fisherman... and how Jesus said he would make them Fishers of Men.

I honestly didn't do a whole lot this week, other than being there. I stood in amazement as God worked in lives around me, and then in my own as well <3

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:
Who, being in very nature[a] God,
    did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
rather, he made himself nothing
    by taking the very nature[b] of a servant,
    being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
    he humbled himself
    by becoming obedient to death —
        even death on a cross!
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
    and gave him the name that is above every name,
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
    to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:1-11

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Reflections: Last week in a secular school.

As I scroll through facebook - I see posts mainly about political things, sex, money, and Christ. Such an odd combination. Having friends and living in a liberal college town has an impact... but being part of a small local congregation does too. Emotions flood my mind as I think - This is my last week being a student in this town. My very last week at IvyTech... my last week pursuing something that I thought I wanted - ultimately a degree at Indiana University - To stop... get ready and go to seminary? Yes, that's right, I said it... seminary. Particularly Boyce College. I wrote on this before - however my last post was flooded so much with the fact that - people don't get it. Honestly, I'm overwhelmed by how much people don't get it... and I so wish people could see it. Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying we should all drop everything and go seek ministry positions and go to seminary.... but I am saying we should all surrender to whatever the Will  of God is. This a foreign idea - especially among Americans.... and while that idea that it's so radical isn't new, we still don't get it. Honestly I'm convinced that I don't get all of it either. I go to church every Sunday morning and Wednesday night like so many other Christians. I sit on the pews, listen to what the preacher has to say - and sometimes it does go in one ear and out the other. I have to be so careful not to get sucked into the routine of things. I'm so used to go just going to church, work, and school like clockwork... giving a thought to want I want to do and what my dreams are, but never really doing much to get there in the way of change. However, even that is so Americanized. The idea that we are entitled to our own dreams and the power in the individual is a scary... and not Biblical thing. We are called to be so much more than what we dreamed of being. While so many can't see it - giving up everything isn't really giving up everything. It's so emotionally hard at first... but as Oswald Chambers pointed out we can't just go by emotion - seeking only the big firework moments.... and honestly, packing isn't all that glorious.

I've been deemed so many times as that 'crazy Jesus chick'... which so many think that's a title of honor, that I should be proud. Honestly, I tend to want to blend in - not stick out like a sore thumb. In so many of my classes I do. I'm one of the few who still has those 'traditional' values... still believing marriage is sacred, that we shouldn't kill unborn babies, that if we have a great national debt - that we should maybe try to pay it off, someone who doesn't drink or smoke - and considers drive-in movies and Twizzlers of epic fun. --If drive-in movies and Twizzlers are of moral worth [just kidding!!]-- I'm so looking forward to being with others like myself - and being able to have deep conversations and learn.

However... I might just be your average person... but that doesn't matter. I have a so much more than average God.

I was talking to my parents this week - and honestly I don't think they realize half the things they do. I probably don't realize half the things I do either. They keep asking me - so what kind of job will you get with a degree in Theology? or I'll come up with some crazy question - like, if God is light, and time stops beyond the speed of light.... is that where heaven is? Because God is light and there is no time in heaven. -- I'll get such an odd response like - you're reading too much into the scripture - from others they'll just roll their eyes, like here she goes again.....

And then I have to stop and think. How many times have I rolled my eyes and people and stopped listening because they were so into something I wasn't. What if people just need someone to listen to them, even if they're not right? I keep thinking.... God loves us all the same. He made us in HIS OWN image. Remember those unlovable people? - They're made in God's image too. He loves them and thinks of them just as he thinks of you.

I feel a deep throbbing in my heart when someone doesn't understand the love of God - especially when I can see it... and what is troubling, is I can't explain God's love to other people - because you really can't understand it until you experience God's love in a deep way. You can know God loves you... but experiencing that love? So much more than words can explain. Maybe that's why there are so many metaphors in the Bible - because they used the strongest words we have.

I look all around me and I see a lost and hurting world.... and it breaks me. Now in this equation? I don't matter. This was our Savior's passion - this dying and hurting world. It might break me, but it pierced Him. He BECAME our sin. He BECAME the brokenness, the guilt, the lies... he became nothing.

The beautiful thing? That's not the end of the story. He was stronger than that. He defeated it... and in that, we BECAME his RIGHTEOUSNESS. As the church, we ARE the Bride of Christ.

... now think about that for a moment. As a female... I can tell you how I've dreamed of my wedding day since I was a little girl. I've dreamed of a long stunning white dress with pink and purple flowers lining the church I grew up in. I have yet to have that wedding..... but while that wedding will be lovely.... think of how much more the wedding between Christ and his Bride [[The Church]] will be. How undeserving of this we are!! Christ becomes our dirtiest sins - defeats them - and becomes our savior. Which then we get His righteousness.

Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found. Was blind, but now I see. Twas' grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved! How precious did that grace appear, the hour I first believed. [[John Newton (1725–1807)]]

How sad and troubling it is to see a world that doesn't understand God's Grace.

19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  Matthew 28:19-20

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Why Seminary?

Sometimes I feel like I'm screaming at the top of my lungs all the blessed time. Sometimes I feel like I can't function... and people don't get this.
People don't understand a call to ministry. Yes - I get that you've heard missionary stories all your life. That's great. Do you understand what it means to go to seminary? Maybe not.
I'm not going to get away from the 'sinners' at IU. I'm not going because I get more freedom or because it's just out of btown. So NOT THE POINT.
I'm going to seminary so I can fill my call to ministry. I'm going to seminary because I can't STAND to say no. It's not just a nagging feeling - it's so much more than that. I honestly believe it is impossible for me to say no to this call. Who knows what God is doing or what He would do if I said no to HIM? Haven't had much luck with telling the creator of the universe no.... not that great of an idea by the way.
I'm going through my things. I'm getting rid of stuff because I'm not going to have room for it later on or even in a few months. Whining? This is trying to get people to SEE what this is. How SERIOUS this is.

If you were living when Jesus was alive - during the time of the great Roman Empire [[which is not that different from America]] - would you REALLY drop everything and follow Jesus? Even if it meant saying bye to your friends and family, your possessions, and everything but the clothes on your back?

Jesus said to take up our Crosses every day and to follow Him... so let's take up our death object of choice... and follow Him. This is not the norm... I need people to stop pretending it is - and not for my sake. We don't talk about taking up our electric chairs or our nooses and going around following Jesus. Nor do we talk about those 'fanatics' who absorb the Scripture and can't get enough of it.
We should be a Jesus fanatic.

I've got news for you people! Jesus was not a normal person.
You might call his life as something like... RADICAL.
The authority figures hated him.
He taught love - the true definition.
He taught how we are to life our life as a sacrifice - just as Christ WAS.
Christ BECAME our sins and we BECAME his righteousness.
We are supposed to be living SACRIFICES.

So what's a sacrifice? It's something of value that someone gives up. We are to give up our desires and surrender them to God.

Can I say that's a little... abnormal? That it's just a tiny bit radical?

I understand that all the words in the world could not describe the fear and awe I have in my heart at this very moment. I'm scared to death, but at the same reason I have no reason to be. I want to scream it on the mountain tops that Jesus is Lord - and I want everyone to feel that same feeling that I feel in the depths of my heart.

I feel so sorry for anyone who doesn't know this feeling and I pray that each one of you responds to their own calling. <3

Saturday, January 21, 2012

My Last Letter

Read this first ---> (Click on the 'Our Story' tab)

I'm not sharing this with y'all to make myself seem 'holier than thou' or any of that stuff. I do count on my readers to hold me accountable for this... and if anything does happen... to show this letter to those who probably wouldn't see it otherwise. <3

"The missionary heart:
Cares more than some think is wise
Risks more than some think is safe
Dreams more than some think is practical
Expects more than some think is possible"

- Karen Watson

Dear friends and family,

If you’re reading this – then I’ve probably passed on to be with the Lord. As I write this – I’m looking forward to going out and being on the mission field. I love each and every one of you. I know that this work is risky, but this is what God has called me to do. I never want you to think that this could have changed, or that God just sent me to my death. Some are called to go - this was my passion - my part in His sufferings. I was called to go, so I went. I say with confidence that I am now in the arms of my Savior – as you a reading this. Rejoicing with everyone who has passed on before me – before us- I do not regret going out on the field – not for one moment. Those people needed to hear. Everyone needs to hear – regardless of where those people might be. Even if letting them hear means we suffer or give things up for the sake of the Gospel of Christ.

Be strong in the Lord – NEVER give up hope. God is strong in our weakness – because when we are weak, then HIS power and glory can shine through. The things that are worth the most in life – are not easy to get. Sometimes we just have to let go of all our preconceptions, our judgments, our fears – and we need to risk everything – we need to be courageous. Sometimes comfort and riches – are nothing in comparison with what serving Christ our Lord brings.

To God be the Glory.

With Love,
